Circle Left Recording Studio
We are a Nashville based recording studio that specializes in recording Square Dance Tracks for Square Dance Callers!
Song Samples
"Dancing On the Ceiling"
"Hubbin It"
"Flop Eared Mule"

All Styles
From bluegrass, country, pop, rock, to dance music, we have studio musicians and producers that can get the sound you want. We have already recorded hundreds of tracks for callers worldwide.
The Recording Process
We work with each caller to go over the arrangement, instrumentation, style, tempo and key of each song. Then a recording session is done using some of the best musicians Nashville has to offer. Finally a mix of each song is done and emailed to you.
It's Easy to Get Started
Just email us an mp3, a song link from any video site or the song title and artist and we'll find it!
We'll listen to the song, make some notes and call you to go over what you want done.
Song Pricing
We break the pricing into 3 categories
Main Recording
$400.00 each song
This includes the recording of any combination of drums, bass, piano, acoustic guitar, electric guitar, mandolin, keyboards, horns, strings and synths.
Also includes the final mix and mp3/wav file.
Additional Instruments
These instruments are also available for an additional musician fee.
Sax $75.00
Banjo $75.00
Dobro $75.00
Fiddle $75.00
Harmonica $75.00
Steel Guitar $75.00
Monthly Specials!
2 Song Package
$300 for each song
This is for the main recording and includes any combination of the main recording instruments.
3 song package
$275.00 for each song
This is for the main recording and includes any combination of the main recording instruments.
We accept paypal or U.S. check
Please contact us with any questions you may have.
We'd love to record your next square dance song!
Circle Left Recording Studio
P.O. Box 1212
Spring Hill, TN 37174